Pete Agardy
We are proud to announce our partnership with Pete Agardy, the founder and owner of FL Camo, the leading brand of hunting camouflage in Florida. Pete has chosen our store as his flagship retail location, where you can find his exclusive line of products designed for the local terrain and climate. Come and meet Pete in person and check out his amazing FL Camo gear at our grand opening event. You won’t regret it!
A Legacy in Florida
FL Camo was founded in 2014 by passionate hunters who felt the need for new camouflage patterns and fabrics specific to Florida and the Southern United States unique landscapes and environments. With decades of combined years of experience in the Florida and Southern woods, we developed these patterns and performance hunting gear to give you the best advantage you can in the field.
FL Camo patterns are 100% original and are custom created by FL Camo founding owner and Professional Florida Wildlife artist, Peter Agardy.

FL Camo Palmetto pattern is ideal for year-round hunting conditions in Florida, The Southeastern USA or any palmetto terrain. Concealing perfectly for turkey, deer, or hog, this proven FL Camo pattern was developed by hunters to give you the coverage you want in thick or sparse palmetto woods. If you're calling spring turkeys, stalking big game or waiting it out in the stand, this pattern is your key to success.
FL Camo Glades pattern is perfect for the waterfowl hunter and will conceal for Florida's year-round green growth and warmer weather hunting conditions. This proven FL Camo pattern was developed by hunters and provides the coverage you need whether lying in the thick marsh grass or lake hunting the shore edges and shallows. Made in the USA.

The Hammock pattern cam after years of research, designing, and testing has led to our most intricate Southeastern Woods habitat ever created. The newest pattern in the FL Camo lineup is as diverse as our hunting in the South. From up in the tree stand hunting to stalking or sitting tucked in, the patten blends into a very diverse amount of woods.